Monday, January 8, 2007

What is this, really?

Ok... so there's already a "what is this?" post on the sidebar, but it's a bit lyrical and doesn't really contain much substance, so if you're still confused, this is probably the post you want to read. All of "this" is fairly simple, really; it is a blog and an outlet for my writing, but it is not a diary in the traditional sense because (as indicated by the title) I make no claim to stick to the truth. Since I'm just getting started here, I can't really tell you what (if anything) will appear here in the future. My intention is to fill the pages with short scenes, some connected, others much less so; they will be the beginnings of stories (or maybe the middles or even endings), but since my attention span is short, I must warn you in advance that I may often fail to finish what I start. Some of the stories may be written in parts - I plan to make it obvious which entries are attached to previous scenes, you should be able to tell when it happens. Also, I may decide which pieces to continue and which to abandon based upon the feedback I receive - which gives you all the more incentive to actually read and comment her. ^_^ Finally, I must excuse myself for certain recurring themes, phrases, and names that you may discover in the next few entries, which are old scenes that I wrote back in November in anticipation of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month.) While these scenes are fundamentally different in concept, I reused several of the same ideas, since I had the feeling that only one of them would eventually develop into a full-fledged story. As it is, I have yet to develop any of them, and I'm not quite sure if I ever will, but nevertheless I want to share them with you. I hope you enjoy them. ;-)

1 comment:

Beth said...

Wonderful! I plan to read this the next time I don't feel like doing work....
...don't worry, that won't be too long from now...